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Strawbale ADU in Berkeley
This backyard ADU was designed by Sarah Deeds Architect and built by McBride Construction.
Strawbale - R30-R36 walls. Strawbale is a locally sourced (central valley rice fields) waste product that is otherwise burned. According to Strawbale Building Details (Published by CASBA – California Strawbale Building Association)The strawbales themselves sequester 26 pounds of carbon each, preventing the formation of 95 pounds of CO2) way better than the various types of foam insulation. Rock wool takes a lot of energy to manufacture, fiberglass insulation isn't so hot, and the recycled blue jean insulation is out of production.
Hydraulic Lime Plaster - Thermal mass dampens the diurnal temperature changes inside. Hydraulic lime plaster is similar to cement stucco, but with lime rather than portland cement. It is more flexible and more vapor permeable than cement stucco, but it takes more skill and curing time. It also requires warmer temperatures. While making portland cement requires a lot of energy and the chemical reaction releases large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, Manufacturing lime takes energy, but when lime plaster carbonates (hardens) much of the CO2 released during the manufacture is reabsorbed. (From Essential Natural Plasters, Henry & Therrien)
LED lights by Metro Lighting (locally designed and manufactured)
Small Heat pump HVAC that uses a ceiling cassette
Windows use FSC certified wood
Fireclay Tile in Bathroom
Unprotected brass knobs and fixtures: bacteria and viruses can’t live on unprotected brass
Cabinets are maple multi-ply (made in USA)
High Volume Flyash Concrete Floors
Locally handmade toilet paper holder
FSC certified wood