Karen & Danny’s Berkeley Home
HVAC & Hot Water Heating: Harvest Thermal Heat Pump – one heat pump both heats the home and provides hot water. Combining the two functions reduces costs by avoiding a second heat pump, and allows both functions to benefit from the very high-efficiency heat pump, thermal storage, and load shifting, reducing emissions compared to less efficient heat pumps without load shifting. Thermal water storage allows the system to draw electricity from the grid to heat water when it is cleanest and cheapest in the middle of the day, and deliver that energy as heat and hot water at times when there is less renewable energy available such as in the mornings and evenings (load shifting). The system also provides night cooling and high quality MERV-13 air filtration. The system costs are 41% lower than a standard heat pump and 32% lower than a standard gas furnace and water heater. CO2 emissions are 72% lower than a standard heat pump and 88% lower than a gas furnace and water heater. Installed by Building Efficiency, Inc.
Electrical Panel Upgrade: Hot Watts Technology upgraded our electrical panel and installed the battery backup system for our solar array.
Solar System with Battery Backup installed by A1 Sun, Inc. We have 18 Enphase S280 panels on our roof providing 5.67 kW of electricity. The first two years of our solar power system provided enough power for our home plus gave some back to the grid. In 2018 we added an electric vehicle charging station which put our usage over the amount we generated by a small amount. Battery Backup was recently installed by Hot Watts Technology. We have an Electriq 11.4 kwh system.
Electric Fireplace: ClassicFlame, surrounded by a vintage mantel, bought second hand from Ohmega Salvage.
Induction Range: Fisher & Paykel Contemporary 36” Range purchased from Airport Home Appliance in Emeryville.
Heat pump Dryer & High Efficiency Compact Washing Machine: Bosch 500 Series Heat Pump Dryer and Bosch 500 Series Washer from Airport Appliance.
Greywater System: Planting Justice installed a laundry to landscape greywater system for our front yard.
Rain barrels: five 50-gallon rain barrels from ?
Compost system: EZ Compost Wizard Jr. 7 Cubic Foot Compost Tumbler by Eartheasy.
East Bay Community Energy: upgraded to Brilliant 100, the 100% carbon-free energy choice.
Electric Bike from ?