Home Details
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Jennifer’s Oakland Home
Rooftop Solar & Battery Storage: For solar, we used Sunrun, through the EBCE Resilient Home program in 2021, and got a Powerwall battery that connects to a “critical load” back-up system to power the home in a power outage. The total system is 23 panels, delivering 7.25 kW DC or 8,803 kWh in the first year (expected, actual number was 9,770 kWh in 2022). [Because we live in a 2-unit HOA condo property, we had to negotiate the use of ½ of the roof and amend our CC&Rs to do the solar as our neighbors were not ready to do solar at the same time.] We got a panel upgrade when the solar was installed to a 125 amp panel (which is plenty to electrify our home, we were told).
Insulation / leak sealing: All Things Good
Laundry line with pulley
LED lighting
Heat Pump HVAC: All Things Good . We now have AC as well as heating! But only used the heat pump twice last summer for cooling. The heat is much more even, quiet and gentle, which I like.
EV charging: trickle charging for EV and plug-in hybrid car
Low-flow water faucets, showerheads, toilets
Rainwater catchment system under back deck
Pesticide-free yard with natives, drought tolerant, edibles
Tesla app: I love the Tesla app where I can see the minute to minute electricity use, and solar generation and battery storage. I can also change the settings using my phone. EBCE can “use” some of my battery storage if they anticipate a large demand (usually on a very hot day).